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Agency Receives Award for Video Portraits

30. Mai 2022 mike

Film award for a creative election campaign: Michael Tobias Content Marketing (MTCM), a Solingen-based communication agency, has received a Viddy Award in Gold. The agency earned the internationally renowned prize for developing and shooting three video portraits for SPD Wuppertal’s state assembly election campaign. The Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP) announced the winners of the 2021 contest in Dallas, Texas. This international association has been honouring the best film projects from the communication and marketing sector since 1995.

The acclaimed films introduce the three state assembly delegates Andreas Bialas, Dilek Engin, and Josef Neumann. The one-and-a-half-minute videos capture major campaign topics and share insights into each candidate’s electoral district.

“We are proud to have received this distinction. As usual, the competition was strong—which makes the award for our video projects even more special,” says MTCM Director Michael Tobias. Several MTCM projects have been awarded with international awards throughout the past years.

One of the biggest assets of the films is the lack of an external narrator. Instead of relying on a professional speaker, MTCM decided to let the candidates speak for themselves and thus form a more personal relationship with the voter. The videos quickly became the focal point of an intricate social media campaign—and their success speaks for itself: Bialas, Engin, and Neumann—the #teamwuppertal—each won a seat.

The Viddy Awards, formerly known as the Videographer Awards, are granted in a yearly international contest. It has been running since 1995 and is thus one of the oldest and most prestigious creative competitions in the industry. The AMCP has rated more than 50,000 films from over 100 countries since the Videographer Awards were established. The Viddy Awards honour creative excellence in the ever-changing, increasingly fast-paced digital world of videography. In addition to designers, content producers and other video experts, companies such as UPS, Mitsubishi Electric, and PepsiCo have submitted their works in the past. Previous winners also include companies such as Dell or Bloomberg.